Men generally rarely ask for anything. But there are certain things that a man really wants from a woman, but it is not acceptable to speak out loud about it. And if a woman does something of what he wants, but is afraid to say, we can assume that the path to the heart has been found

Men look at relationships a little differently than women. And there are 7 things they would like to get from a partner. But how do you ask for it? Therefore, women, take these 7 points into service, and strictly follow them. Then your man will move mountains and carry you in his arms.

Ability to accept help

Every self-respecting man tries to be the main one in the family. So far, most often it is the representatives of the stronger sex who are earners. Many people manage not only to work at work but also help their soulmate around the house, raise children together, make repairs and much more. But, the whole catch is that many girls do not know how to accept help from a partner. For some women, being helped by a man is tantamount to admitting that they are weak and helpless.

So in fact, every self-respecting man wants his significant other to be able to easily turn to him for help when it is really needed. Guys do not like it when young ladies are silent about problems, and afterwards, they take offence and complain about male stupidity. No need to hint to a man, learn to speak simply and directly about when help is needed. And, of course, do not forget to thank your loved one afterwards.

Maintain the fire of passion

Of course, every man wants to feel desirable. They secretly dream that the passion from the other half does not fade away, so they are waiting for experiments and something new in the intimate sphere. And what about the girls? The longer the relationship lasts, the more difficult it is to maintain that flame of passion. Work, professional growth, household chores, shopping, parenting, and hundreds of other pressing matters are gradually engulfing couples.

A woman ceases to be that carefree and young that she used to be. Gradually, sex and passion recede into the background, feelings slowly fade away. But, it is never too late to shake up and change the habits that have developed in the family. Start experimenting, do what really pleases both of you. This approach will surprise and delight your loved one.


Men, no less than women, love to hear compliments addressed to themselves. Praise from a loved one means a lot to a gentleman. Compliments motivate the stronger sex to develop and move on, do more and become better, conquer new heights and overcome difficulties. Therefore, every woman should learn to notice all the successes of her soulmate.

More often tell a man about how great he is, how great he came up with or did, celebrate his success in his career. You should also not neglect the compliments related to the appearance of the second half. Talk to your loved one more often about his good hairstyle, pumped up arms and embossed abs. Such words will push the man to further development.

A little initiative

It is so accepted that a man should usually take the initiative, and a woman only agrees or rejects offers. But, deep in his soul, every man wants his chosen one not to be led all the time. Therefore, ladies, learn to take the initiative in your own hands. Invite your man to a restaurant, buy theatre or movie tickets on your own, arrange for him a passionate evening or a night of love.

More words of support, hugs, general impressions and hobbies, and then your married couple will definitely never be bored.

Sincere admiration

Admiration and respect actually go hand in hand. Your man needs nothing more from you than your admiration for everything he does for the two of you. The point here is “REAL” admiration, it cannot be simulated. Guys very easily feel fake admiration and may tell you to stop pretending, or they may not say anything. 

Just be sincere, admire everything he does, all the hard work he does for the two of you, and he’ll be happier than ever. Trust me it works. She admires who I am, and I, in turn, do the same, no fake admiration. It is not so difficult to achieve complete happiness.

My hero

For a man, recognition is very important. And let the whole world say that he is a superman, if his woman does not say this, it will be meaningless for him. Believe in your man and say that he is your hero. That you are not afraid of anything next to him. What’s with him like a stone wall. Naturally, he will feel slyness at once. 

So start small. And do everything sincerely, without falsehood. A boy who is not used to being responsible will become your protector and support. He will set an example for children. And when, thanks to your faith, it rises to a new level, your life will turn into paradise.

thank you

Always thank him. For every little thing. For everything he does for you. Love him always. Even when he makes mistakes. After all, as you know, the one who does nothing is not mistaken. Support in any situation and give thanks. Never take his help and gifts for granted. Very soon he will simply stop doing it, because interest will disappear. 

This woman does her homework every day and does not expect gratitude. A man will move mountains only when he is praised for it.

I will say, but not all

When you hide something from your man, and then he finds out about it in some way, it becomes unpleasant. Relationships are built on trust. And if you are ready to entrust something to your friend, but do not tell your loved one about it, this is very insulting. The man wants to know what is happening to you. Why do you come home without mood. 

And if he asks you about it, try to answer as honestly as possible. Of course, there is no need to discuss all sorts of insignificant trifles such as agony over the colour of a bag that you can buy at a sale. All important points need to be discussed with him. Also, don’t get in the habit of discussing it with your girlfriends, friends, and family. Your relationship concerns only the two of you. There is no need to initiate anyone else into them.

Remove hints

Men do not understand the hints, and women hint, hint, and then take offense. If you want something, be direct about it. You don’t need to play around and invent something. If you would like him to bring you chamomile on Thursdays, tell me about it. And there is no need to tell stories about the fact that Masha and Katka’s husbands wear daisies on Thursday. 

He will not understand this. If you want him to wash the dishes after him, say so directly. No need to beat around the bush, complaining of fatigue.

Sports and care

Men love to look at a beautiful female body. Go in for sports. Eat right and strive for excellence. Then your man will try to become better. Ideally, play sports together.

Take care of your skin. There is nothing more pleasant than stroking a velvet female body. Also, don’t forget about subtle scents and massage oils. This will reveal your femininity and make you even more desirable.

Interests and hobbies

No need to dissolve in a man and call him every five minutes with the question “where are you”. have your own life, your own interests. Read, exercise your body, chat with friends. May your life be interesting and exciting. 

And a man just needs a personal space, into which no one will tumble every 20 minutes. Of course, you need joint activities, but this is not always possible.

Some personal space

It is important not only for a man but for any woman to have a little personal space. You should not immediately imagine in your thoughts how a man rushes to cheat on you as soon as he is left alone. No! Most men just want to be alone with their feelings and thoughts, sometimes to spend time with friends in order to switch from family and work concerns.

Do not take this as unwillingness to spend time with you. This is just a short time-out to fill with energy, switch and continue building a home with renewed vigour and good mood.

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