How to Spring Clean Your Whole House

How to Spring Clean Your Whole House

With the weather getting warmer, flowers beginning to bloom, and kids heading back outside, chances are your house is starting to get dirty again. Why not do a thorough, deep clean to clean out the dust and dirt of a long winter? Here are a few tips you can use to deep clean your house ahead of the spring and summer months!

Spread Out Tasks

People didn’t build Rome in a day, so don’t worry so much about taking one day to clean your house. If it takes you a few weeks, few days, or a weekend or two to spring clean, that’s normal. Breaking up the work into manageable chunks, like all the bedrooms or bathrooms in a house, can be a great way to distribute work. Have immediate family members? Get them in on the fun and have them help you clean.

Start with Clean Tools

It can be frustrating to have a vacuum that doesn’t have the suction you need. Before you clean anything, start by cleaning off your tools. You should run sponges through the dishwasher, the rags through the washing machine, and switch out any mop heads and vacuum filters you can. Start your weekend off with a deep clean of your tools before you start cleaning your house.

Work from Top to Bottom

Want a spic and span house? Start by cleaning the tops of everything, like the top floor of your house, your fan or lighting fixture, and your counters, before you move on to your bottom level or flooring in general. This way, the dust and grime from your fans, lighting units, and top floor won’t impact your ground floor.

Use the Proper Cleaners

Don’t ruin your rugs, blankets, and surfaces by using cleaners that are too harsh for them. Using the proper cleaners requires a bit of research, but your surfaces and cloth are going to work perfectly. For sheets and couch covers, use a mild, “all natural” detergent (or whatever the manufacturer recommends) for the best results.

If you have granite or marble countertops, be sure to clean them with products marketed for them. Since they’re such a significant investment, do your research before applying any foreign chemicals. The same goes with stainless steel surfaces–make sure the manufacturer recommends (or at least gives the all-clear on a product) before applying it.

Give Your Ceilings and Walls a Little TLC

If you’re cleaning the rest of a room, you might as well clean the ceilings and walls while you’re at it. To clean them, attach a towel around the bottom of a broom, and you’re good to go! This allows you to clean hard-to-reach places, like your ceiling or the tops of your fans. The terry cloth towel material makes for an easy-to-clean way to get rid of cobwebs, dust, and dirt from the far corners of your room.

Use Homemade Dusting Mitts

Have a pair of old socks lying around? Use them to dust the tops of things like dressers or coffee tables. Dusting keeps your air clear for any asthmatics, keeps your vents clearer, and helps you reduce the number of deep cleans. While you can do this during a deep clean, this should be a frequent, maybe weekly event.

Polish Your Door Handles

While you’re cleaning everything, make sure to wash your door handles, light switches, and doors as well! They carry copious amounts of germs and can make you sick. At the end of your deep clean, run over them with some bleach wipes to kill any bacteria left on them.

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