The Pros and Cons of Hybrid Cars

The Pros and Cons of Hybrid Cars

In today’s society we are much more environmentally aware than we once were. With everyone trying to “go green” and reduce their carbon footprint, hybrid cars have begun to grow in popularity However, many have questions when it comes to these vehicles. It is well known that hybrid cars have amazing gas mileage but what is less known is their ever-improving performance. Hybrid cars are extremely proficient, producing low gas emissions than vehicles powered by gas. As technology continues to improve, so does hybrid’s efficiency. We’ve compiled a list of the top pros and cons of hybrid cars to help you better understand why these vehicles are gaining popularity, and why you may want to turn in the gas for electric.

Pros of Hybrid Cars

  • Clean Energy: The gas powered engine paired with the electric motor creates a vehicle with lower emissions and great gas mileage. While having the power of a standard engine, this vehicle actually conserves energy.
  • Performance Improvements: The latest technology allows hybrid vehicles the same performance as normal cars with new developments always on the horizon.
  • Incentives: Depending on the state you live in, driving a hybrid can come with various tax benefits and savings.
  • Regenerative Braking: Every time you break, your hybrid’s battery charges, eliminating the need to stop and fully recharge the battery.

Cons of Hybrid Cards

  • Lower Power Output: Hybrids are built for economy use and not speed. The gasoline engine is much smaller that average cars so you will need more acceleration than the conventional engine. The electric motor in getting the car going, however it’s not as powerful as your traditional car.
  • Poor Handling: Hybrids do not drive as well as conventional cars due to the weight and loss of fuel efficiency.
  • Higher Center of Gravity: A car’s weight distribution and center of gravity has a major effect on how it drives. Vehicle manufacturers do their best to evenly distribute the weight but with hybrids the weight tends to be distributed away from the wheels.
  • Price: Hybrid cars tend to run $5,000 to $10,000 higher than conventional cars in price which can be a huge detractor for the buyer on a budget.

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